Many lives were turned upside down in 2020 (and half of 2021, if we’re really honest). For those of us who were lucky enough to survive the worst pandemic in a century, it still wasn’t an easy transition to live in some sort of normalcy. We’ll never be the same—and maybe that’s a good thing in some ways. For us freelance consultants, there is a different lens now that things are kinda, sorta opening up.

#1 That zillionth Zoom call that would have been a quick phone call before the pandemic—can we restart that, please? I’m totally down for a meeting, but if it's a quick interview screening or check in, no need, just like before the pandemic.
#2 My 2020 investment in new loungewear will not go to waste. Upside: I do my laundry less and appear to have an unlimited supply of black leggings.

#3 Now that I got a pandemic puppy, I have built-in breaks that I must take. On the other hand, Tati is a lazy intern and I’ve got poop to pick up every day.
#4 I can still make my own schedule without fear of going back "to the office," but can also visit clients to get my team spirit on (and possibly poach a few yummy kitchen snacks).
#5 There’s now a notable difference between WFH day and night: I can exit stage left for happy hour or dinner, I’ll just need to re-orient myself for the sticker shock of San Francisco's old tacked-on fees.
#6 My meal, travel, and entertainment costs will go from next to nothing to something (all
legit, promise IRS!). I’ve never been so happy to spend money on wining and dining.

#7 Speaking of which, hello again networking events. I'll have a libation in one hand, business card in the other, complemented by a gentle elbow bump to say hello. No hand sanitizer required, maybe?
#8 I no longer need to insert "pandemic," "new normal," or other Covid-y terms in my writing. Nor see the term "Covid-preneur (yes, that was a thing for a minute). Nor witness SEO grifters "covid-washing" aka Covid keyword stuffing for eyeballs.

#9 I won’t silently scream when there is loud construction in my building. Instead I can skip over to a coffee shop to work, where the only distraction will be hearing that startup founder on the phone chatting up the VC on the next app "that will change the world."
#10 I can thank my lucky stars that I still am blessed to have a freelancing business after the decimation of millions of jobs during the pandemic. I also embrace a new appreciation for working from home, but the magic of in-person connection? Well, that cannot be understated.